Lay Ministry

Eucharistic Ministers, Chalicers and Lay Readers play an integral part in worship services at St. Julian’s. In their various roles they assist the priest by reading the lessons, reading the prayers of the people, serving communion with the priest, and taking up weekly offerings. A training session is provided bi-annually to teach volunteers proper procedures during the service. Additionally, Eucharistic Ministers, and Chalicers are licensed after their training. This group of dedicated volunteers brings the congregation into the worship service. Expected time commitment: at least once per month, plus occasional filling in for others who are scheduled but unable to serve

Acolytes assist the Rector during worship services. This ministry gives youth an opportunity to actively engage in the worship of our parish. They also perform vital task during the worship service such as assisting with communion and leading the procession on Sunday morning and at other special services.

The Altar Guild sets up the table for the Lord’s Supper. This ministry serves the parish by preparing the items used at the Eucharist prior to the service, putting them away afterward, and maintaining them in good condition. This is a very personal ministry in Christ’s service.

The Ushers and Greeters ministry is designed to promote a reverent and orderly flow for the worship service. Ushers will arrive early to the service for which they’re scheduled, ready to hand out bulletins, open the doors to the nave, and help worshipers find seating. During the service Ushers control entry into the nave, collect the offering, and assist the movement of people to the sanctuary rail during Holy Communion. After the service the Ushers will tidy up the narthex and nave, and straighten items in the pews.

Greeters will meet worshipers at the door, welcome them, hand out bulletins, and answer newcomers’ questions. They also assist Ushers in their duties.